The Disappearing is a collaborative storytelling game designed for four players. In this fictional world, things are disappearing mysteriously, and players answer prompts that ask them to imagine how they and others are responding to these profound changes. The game is played asynchronously until the final round, when all players gather to review the narrative they have created together and reflect on their exchanges. The Disappearing features original illustrations by my cousin and creative collaborator, Erin Jordan.
The Disappearing was created as part a workshop series titled Speculating the Environment hosted at Pratt Institute from Fall 2022 to Spring 2023 that convened scientists, writers, artists and others working on climate change in their professional and creative practices.
Illustrations by Erin Jordan
Things have started...disappearing. All kinds of things—big things like buildings and small things like pencils and toothbrushes. It’s getting hard to remember: what was here before and what vanished first? You find yourself wondering if it was happening earlier and maybe you didn’t notice. Most people around you feel the same. They aren’t sure when and why it started, but they know it’s happening now. And no one knows how to stop it.