Role: Lead Instructor, 2022-2024

Future Imagemakers is a free digital photography workshop for NYC area high school students in the Photography & Imaging Department at NYU Tisch and is part of the Future Artists program. Founded in 1996 by photographer Lorie Novak, the workshop is an intensive introduction to digital photography and photo editing taught at the NYU facilities that focuses on personal expression. Each semester, several NYU undergraduate photography students also co-teach the course and help mentor the participants. Students learn lighting, composition, Adobe tools, and more—all leading to a unique final project that reflects their own artistic vision.

In 2022, our class received the Photoville Educator Grant and produced an public exhibition for the festival titled Everything In Between: A Spectrum of Emerging Visions that was displayed in Emily Warren Roebling Plaza under the Brooklyn Bridge.

Mission Statement:
We believe in the power of photography to celebrate diversity and intersectionality, and to address racism, gender discrimination and all forms of intolerance. We seek to expand boundaries and learn from each other.

June 2022


The Disappearing